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Raimundo J. and Levine M.S. (2023) How do genomes encode developmental time? Genes & Development, 37, 37-40.


Levo M.*, Raimundo J.*, Bing X.Y., Sisco Z., Batut P.J., Ryabichko S., Gregor T., Levine M.S. (2022) Transcriptional Coupling of Distant Regulatory Genes in Living Embryos. Nature, 605, 754-760.


- Publication highlighted in Nature Reviews Genetics: Koch, L. (2022) Transcriptional coupling of long-distance genes. Nature Reviews Genetics 23, 393.


- Publication highlighted in Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy: Zhang, L., Wu, Z. & Lu, H. (2022) Top(ological-operon) secret behind the long-range transcriptional coupling. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 7, 366.


Batut P.J., Bing X.Y., Sisco Z., Raimundo J., Levo M., Levine M.S. (2022) Genome organization controls transcription dynamics during development. Science, 375(6580):566-570.


Singh A.P., Wu P., Ryabichko S., Raimundo J., Swan M., Wieschaus E., Gregor T., Toettcher J.E. (2021) Optogenetic control of the Bicoid morphogen reveals fast and slow modes of gap gene regulation. Cell Reports, 38(12) 110543.


Wilky H., Syed S., Raimundo J., Lim B., and Amodeo A.A. (2021) The nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio directly regulates zygotic transcription in Drosophila.  PNAS, 118 (14) e2010210118.


Cofer E.M., Raimundo J., Tadych A., Yamazaki Y., Wong A.K., Theesfeld C.L., Levine M.S., and Troyanskaya O.G. (2021) Modeling transcriptional regulation of model species with deep learning. Genome Research, 31(6), 1097-1105.


Bing X.Y., Batut P.J., Levo M., Levine M.S., Raimundo J. (2020) SnapShot: The Regulatory Genome. Cell, 182(6):1674-1674.


Raimundo J.*, Sobral R.*, Laranjeira S., Costa M. M. (2018) Successive Domain Rearrangements Underlie the Evolution of a Regulatory Module Controlled by a Small Interfering Peptide. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35:2873–2885.


Raimundo J.*, Sobral R.*, Bailey P., Azevedo H., Galego L., Almeida J., Coen E., Costa M.M. (2013)
A subcellular tug of war involving three MYB-like proteins underlies a molecular antagonism in Antirrhinum flower asymmetry. The Plant Journal, 10, 12225.


José B Pereira-Leal et al. (2014) A comprehensive assessment of the transcriptome of cork oak (Quercus suber) through EST sequencing. BMC Genomics, 15:371.


* Indicates equal contribution

© 2023 por João Raimundo

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